Wednesday, July 1, 2020

How To Install Cryptomatte In Black Magic Fusion 16

So.... If you are suffering for installing cryptomatte in Fusion, here's solution!

This method is for Fusion 9~ Fusion 16~!

Fist download the plugin here :

Unzip the file from downloaded, there's a folder named fusion, that all we need.

In the Fusion folder, we'll find another three folders.


Copy "Fuse" folder to where you installed Fusion, usually it will be :

C:\Program Files\Blackmagic Design\Fusion 16


Copy "Module" folder to software path.


Go into the "Modules" folder, and copy "Lua" to the software path!


The most tricky part. 

We go to this path :

C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Blackmagic Design\Fusion

Fist copy "Config" folder to the path.

And do the same thing to the other two folders. 

Same process  upon.

Finally~~ We can use cryptomatte now!!

